Pondering the Obvious

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Suppose I kept on singing love songs just to break my own fall

Oy with the bullet points already!!
  • I'm feeling such pride. le Bec's recent post featuring mention of not only my puppy but my husband makes me so happy. I think Bec has the same kind of relationship with Punky as with Nuschler: She's not sure how to react to him and he does his best to pester her. And I watch. Amused.
  • I'm also proud of my friend, Samurai Bob, and his recent trip to Chicago with two hot chicks for Spring Break, as feature on Sus' blog.
  • Last week I spent an hour carving a dangerous route to my side door through endless feet of snow. The entire deck was covered and I had to work at opening the door. This morning, I opened the door and the deck is feel of snow. Amazing.
  • I started a new book last night and was immediately hooked. I love that! I am the queen of reading only three pages and then moving the book to different locations of my house waiting for the guilt to subside before I return it to its owner or sell it. And if it has that big "O" on the cover, forgetaboutit. I like books/music/movies as ant-depressants, not downers.
  • Song: This is from Regina Spektor, a very upbeat song about infidelity. I've been perfecting it in my home studio, which is a rapidly disintegrating plastic box Punky has the nerve to call a shower. We all have to be a rock star somewhere.


Blogger One in a million Saras said...

Why is commenting the only way I can log in?

6:26 PM  

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