Pondering the Obvious

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Nothing can hold you back if you really want it

I love the ambiguity of March. March oscillates so quickly between winter and spring without apology. March is the wild child of the calendar months.

Nuschler and I took our walk today, as I so enjoyed the passed out puppy state he was in yesterday, lounging around outside like he was drugged. It is easy for him to dress for this kind of weather, being both furry for the cold and water-proof for the miniature lakes, streams and glaciers covering the park. There's even patches of grass.

We both came home soaked. I was running through the snow (quite a workout really) and trudging through deep waters (it only looks like a snow bank on the surface). I was waiting for someone to pop their head out of a nearby house and tell me to stop playing in the puddles.

Nope. It's way too much fun! Plus, I do my own laundry...

Song: This is classic Ricky Martin, which I dedicate to all of us out there still listening too much to those who would hold us down.


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