Walk this way
Nuschler was giving me the death stare this morning.
He only wants four things in this world: Food, going outside, pets and walks. In my mind, this adds up to a total of four brain cells. No one meets Nusch and then says "He's a real smart dog." Nope, he's cute, huge, sweet, but not applying for any scholarships.
That one brain cell focused on getting a walk is a vicious, judgemental speck. He stares at me through his eye brows like a petulant five-year-old. He sighs with high drama. And whenever I change my clothes, he comes to watch and see if I am putting on the layers required of a walk in this weather. Kinda pervy actually.
So today we went. After one block of trudging, I thought I was going to keel over from exhaustion. I normally walk around the rink while he fetches things, but just threw the frisbee today. After a few throws/retrievals, Nuschler looked at me as if to say "I'm tired. You go get it."
On days like this I wonder if it is worth it. Having a happy, pooped out puppy, however, is priceless.
(Song from Aerosmith and Run DMC. I used to feel bad about liking this song. It's that skeezy lead singer that scares me most.)
"props” on today’s song title! 10 points shall be awarded to you.. Thanks for sharing the picture.... ugh he’s cute!
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