Where do you go with your broken heart in tow? What do you do with the left-over you?
One of the benefits of le Bec being in covenant discipleship is that I can sponge up the basic concepts without the weekly commitment, cuz, let's face it, I have major commitment issues. (Punky has only made it this far because he knows when to say sorry.)
One focus is on spiritual promptings, or what is my gut telling me. Today, I had a window of opportunity to either go home and chill or get groceries. Snow was starting to fall, so I was concerned about procrastinating until after my next appointment to get to the store. And I needed coffee. Thus, I went to the store. I felt compelled to go there.
As I was racing through, I ran into the friend of mine who had me watch her kids while she delivered her third daughter. She was there with the baby and my 5-year-old twin, Gil. We had a great, short visit there in the seasonal aisle, but I noticed something about Gil.
When I was five, I experienced the quantum leap of going from the baby of the family to the middle child. I still probably need therapy from that. And I could see it in Gil's eyes: I used to get away with murder and now I gotta be some kind of role model.
Don't worry kid. The new youngest will get away with murder, you will take the fall, but, in her eyes, you will always be a rock star.
Song: From Tegan and Sara on the Grey's Anatomy cd. I've been hearing the term "heart-broken" a lot. What kinda prompt is that?
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