Pondering the Obvious

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I certainly haven't been shopping for any new shoes and...

Today, I went on the hunt for dress pants. I found the perfect pair, but they were a little tight in one size and way too big in the next size up. (The problem is that I have no hips. I have thighs a-plenty -don't get me wrong- just no hips. I was built for heavy farm work.)

The dressing room girl said "Those don't look so bad."

Excuse me? I'm not looking for not so bad pants. I want FABULOUS pants. I want "Hey, check out that fine woman" pants. I want "Have you lost some weight?" pants. Unless they are virtually free and easy to tailor, I don't want your "not so bad" pants.



Blogger Michelle said...

I found some new jeans that fit fit fit fit fit. I don't know if they "don't look so bad" but they feel great. Step one.

8:10 AM  

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