Pondering the Obvious

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Baby you can drive my car

My car works again. I'm not sure I can adequately explain how much I love my car. It's not a materialistic thing. While it's a nice car, I don't see it as a status symbol for anything. It's just the fact that it's mine that makes me love it so.

I own my car. I had to stay in Colorado working for a maniac for exactly seven months to pay it off, so that is exactly what I did. (I calculated how long I would have to stay to pay off my student loans, but that was too depressing to consider) So that one little space is all mine.

I know when someone else has been driving it, especially the men in my life (Punky and my dad). Both of them obsessively/compulsively close the lids on my cup holders. Hello? I leave the house at all times loaded down with stuff and the first thing I do is unload the beverage. Grrr...

I love to sing in my car. And dance a little, too. I suppose I have attracted more than a few looks, but I don't know because I don't pay attention. But I understand the people who pick their noses, change clothes, kiss at stoplights, and do other not-usually-done-in-public things. It is the space we own where we are free.

So tell me, do you love your car?


Blogger Becca said...

Yep and Dad keeps talking about a new one for me. Stop! My students call it "The Crusader" because it says "Free Tibet" on it. I guess the International Studies teacher told all of her kids about my bumper sticker. Great.

8:39 PM  
Blogger Linda said...

Yes, I love my car. On Wednesday, my husband wanted to drive mine since he was going out of town, so I drove his to and from work. I was lost without MY car... I really missed it! I believe you and I drive the same kind of car Sara, so know why you love yours too!

8:41 PM  
Blogger Lois said...

I'd love my car more if the exhaust system hadn't gotten messed up during our street construction work. Now we have beautiful streets at our corner and a NOISY car. I hope that will be taken care of fairly soon.
I couldn't talk Jeff into buying Helen's car...that would have been a coup on my part! I hope I am still able to drive when he decides "it's the right time!"

8:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sara, I agree: my car is my own space. I love the baby seat, too. It is a constant reminder of the little people in my life.

My car has always represented my freedom and independence, something to be cherished!

It isn't always clean & tidy, but it is mine! (But Rob makes the payments: thanks, Buddy!)

5:53 AM  

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