Pondering the Obvious

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Few times I've been 'round that track so it's not just gonna happen like that

The last three days have been absolutely nuts. Once I'm done with this, a well-deserved passing-out is in order, so bear with me on sentence structure.

Twice in the past two days someone has called me pretty. And while I have learned how to take a compliment (Say "Thank you", smile and nod, try not to argue with them or suggest an eye exam), this floors me. Say what you will, but in my mind, I will always be the five-year-old tomboy with boys for friends and two long braids. Cute, sure. Pretty? Pretty will have to grow on me.

I attended a women's networking lunch today in an attempt to hand out resumes. Self-promotion is not my strong suit- I prefer to grow on people like a friendly fungus. But I went, schmoozed, threw resumes around, pretended there was a remote chance I would remember any names for more than 2 minutes and then something amazing happened:

I heard my burning bush.

The speaker talked about inventions, about developing big ideas and bringing them into fruition. Not four years ago I was talking about a patent. I was writing a business plan. I was thinking my big ideas. And there I was at a random event with random people being hit over the head with a clear sign.

Not random at all.

Meditate on this I shall.


Blogger Michelle said...

so what is the sound of a burning bush?

7:02 AM  

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