Pondering the Obvious

Sunday, January 14, 2007

It's not getting what you want, it's wanting what you've got

In my quest for organization and a more-minimalized household, I have been thinking about other things I have that I don't really want. And, no, I won't talk about excess pounds or that extra foot of hair on my head.

I was thinking about my Master's degree in Organic Chemistry. While I can't call it a mistake, as that path brought me to Punky, who is not a mistake only an occasional annoyance, its not my greatest accomplishment. And now it is my definition, one that I must explain over and over again. Why do I have a degree I no longer want? Well, sometimes it is more fun learning how to do something than doing it 40-70 hours a week.

While some people lie on job applications about their criminal pasts, their momentary indiscretions, their only-slightly-legal citizenship, I would like to lie about my education. I have pieces of paper verifying that I have done time in College State Penitentiary. Isn't that enough?

So, what should I do with this degree? I'd love to sell it in a garage sale, throw it on ebay, barter it for land - make it into something useful. If I could donate it to charity that would be a sweet write-off.

But, no, it has my name on it. And I guess I have to accomplish something greater than it so that this degree is only a part of me, not the sum of me.


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