Pondering the Obvious

Sunday, November 12, 2006

It's a small world after all

You are here for the truth so here it is: Tomorrow is my birthday. I'm actually looking forward to an end to this past year and the beginning of a new chapter. The fairy tale of a fresh start.

At church this morning, someone asked me when I graduated from high school and was sad to realize that I was older than her daughter. Too old. There's a cut-off for hip (among church goers) and I didn't make it.

Then, I was reading an article online from Entertainment Weekly about Grey's Anatomy. The writer talked about his sister from Minneapolis, who happens to be a nurse, ruining the episode with her dose of reality. In that way that we all pretend we know all people from Minnesota, I looked again at the writer's name.

Seriously, what are the odds that this writer went to high school with me, hung out with some of my friends, was equally annoyed with my ex-boyfriend (probably not for the same reasons)? Slim chance and yet true.

In my ever-lasting need to be a nerdy researcher, I went back to my yearbook to verify. Not only did I sorta know this writer, but the daughter from the lady at church wrote in my yearbook. If I was cool enough for her to hang out with then, then I am really cool enough to hang out with now. At this point, I know how to use a comb, I wear contacts or very cool glasses and I no longer do math just for fun.

Oh, who am I kidding...


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