Pondering the Obvious

Sunday, July 09, 2006

She drives me crazy

Bec suggested this fine title, so I will let you decide what/who it means if anything at all.

Today was the perfect summer day. It started with a thunderstorm and complete lack of power, which means the three of us hung out together, giving puppy the attention he is so deprived of. After going across town for a pancake brunch, I got to see Pirates. I have a theory about the second installment of trilogies. People who like closure or lack patience usually pan the second, as it acts like dull, tedious highway between two interesting cities. Other people, who have patience and enjoy a good cliff-hanger, love the second best (Empire anyone?). I enjoyed the movie, laughed by myself quite a few times, but am infuriated with the cliff-hangers. Argh indeed.

We then had a picnic on the shore, which included watching Nuschler slip over slimy rocks to retrieve sticks. Then we played apples to apples (How do you pick the best word to describe your mother when she is sitting right next to you? Carefully...). Then I drove home, passing the dark, quiet lake with a shimmery reflection of the moon.

Absolutely perfect.


Blogger Michelle said...


4:36 PM  

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