Pondering the Obvious

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

You've got to find a way, say what you want to say, break out!

Tonight I went to a Polarity Mapping training, which essentially brings out your strengths and weaknesses and reveals how to use them both to fulfill your wants and wishes. After listing both negative and positive traits of males and females, we talked about Confusion strategies. Aggressive (I'm an angry camper) and not enough (once I have all the pieces fit perfectly together I can move on) are my top traits. Being emotional and following rules were least like me.

At this point, I was pretty impressed with my insights on myself. But then we had to write down our strengths, strengths overdone (otherwise known as weaknesses), what we avoid at all costs and what we desire or want. Here are a few of mine:

Strengths: Work ethic, intelligence, organized, humor, sensitive
Strengths overdone: Independent, sense of fair, perfectionist, dramatic, judgmental, competitive
What I avoid: Trusting people, money management, emotional exposure, blame, expressing my needs, rejection
What I desire: Independence, security, not worrying about money, worthiness, health, a family and patience

So the key to getting what you want is to do what you avoid.

Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm impressed by your insights in to who you are. I don't know that I could put together such a thoughtful, complete list for myself. Good job.

12:19 PM  

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