How far is too far, how far is all the way?
This song is from the brilliant musical Do Black Patent Leather Shoes Really Reflect Up?, which was the first production I was a part of in high school. It has nuns on rollarskates. Too funny.
Has the world gone too far with being politically correct? Are we not supposed to have opinions?
My mom and Bec have been obsessed with the show House since early summer. I just started the first season (on DVD, which is both convenient and dangerous) and I have to say I LOVE IT. This brilliant doctor is called a bastard on every other episode (I'll keep better track for the sake of accuracy on that), but there is a beauty to his crotchety nature. He's not trying to be anyone but himself. Sure, he could be nicer. But why have we put so much worth on "nice"?
My question is this: Are we spending too much time apologizing for being ourselves and having our own opinions? Is this a Gen X thing? Or am I going mad alone?
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