Pondering the Obvious

Thursday, August 17, 2006

No more drama

I have had theories about drama since high school, when my "friend" thought I was suicidal after writing a poem about leaving (which was about going to summer school away from home). She was grounded from the phone and spent the night worrying about me. She could have had her mom call mine. But no. I understood that this was not about me at all, simply her own need for drama.

At the moment, there is a lot of drama in my life. I am in a wedding in a couple, short weeks and I am trying my best to create DDZs: De-dramatization Zones. I suppose one would argue that weddings are a production, which naturally leads to drama. Ok, ok. I'll put down my drama stick and enjoy the show.

And the rest of the drama in my life? I gotta shake it off (I usually cannot stomach miss carey, but this song is fabulous.).


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