Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end
Punky's last day of work at the college. They are a tight-knit group, so I get a little teary-eyed talking about it. Monday he starts his dream job. This includes being able to bring Nuschler to work with him. Oh boy.
The last full-time job I left, I had resigned on a Monday and was kicked out the building by Thursday (threatening to sue is a good way to wrap things up). No card, no good-bye dinner. I had to have a friend pilfer my nalgene from the kitchen.
The next day I went to a movie by myself for the first time ever. I was the only person in the theater. It was fabulous!
Music: A shout-out to Semisonic. These boys from Minneapolis toured with BNL back when I was in college. I know who I want to take me home...
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